Friday, June 27, 2014

Reflection Eternal

Thanks to Dave NY, my friend Amreen and I got to see Talib Kweli's show at the Echoplex on summer solstice! Dave is the tour manager for Kweli and was soooo cool enough to invite us to be his guests and we had VIP passes. I got to stand on the stage and saw him rock live to a very packed house!

Amreen, Talib Kweli and me

I told him that Reflection Eternal and Beautiful Struggle, as well as his group with Mos Def, Black Star, were very important to me. Those albums were in rotation during a time when I was transforming my life into the creative/community building life that I lead today.  Now, I admit, after those two albums, I haven't caught on but those first two albums are enough to be in constant rotation at my house.
Dave NY and me

Talib asking the crowd for a light

Backstage shenanigans with Dave, Amreen and DJ EQue, Talib's wife

He went out for an encore but rather than running back on stage, Amreen and I stayed in the green room and just chilled. She had vodka. I had moon pies.

Onto the next adventure!

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