Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Why would you let 4 musty guys from Washington crash at your home?

four words - alison de la cruz. a close second is compassion. because after meeting two lyricists, one graffiti writer, and a bboy at the Santa Monica Pier outdoor concert and finding out that their place to stay was pulled out from under them, and that every damn place in LA was booked due to the 2004 BBOY Summit, i couldn't let them kick it in their four door sedan for three nights! i had two couches and a warm hardwood floor! hahah! but that was so much fun!!!! bboy summit, imix, venice... and i made friends with some of the dopest peeps in seattle.. but yea... if alison de la cruz hadn't vouched for one of them, they wouldn't have made it to the Carmona Estates.

Ask me anything... maybe i will answer. buahaha!

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