Friday, August 16, 2002

[[[ blessed be ]]]

ashkan won the battle of the beats at gabah last night! that is peace! the boy is hella talented and for him to get recognition is truly a blessing.

actually, this year has proven to be a beautiful year for people close to me. faniks says "it is the year of the horse which means 'change'. this is our fuckin' year, baby!!!"

so true. for example, miko is in seattle working at the seattle times. deejay is pursuing her dreams in singing and is part of a singing group. phloe has a benefactor ( okaaaaaaaaaaay) and is selling her art. bambu comes out hard with his debut album AND finished recording an EP (which might as well be a second album with friggin' 11 tracks). faniks acting on a regular basis. gabe is getting married. and that is just the beginning. i won't even take inventory on the projects i have been involved in. i have been truly blessed. i have the honor of surrounding myself with beautiful, hard working, positive people and the energy exchange has been astounding. i am inspired every day. praise be to God for surrounding me with love.

but it is funny how i am always not satisfied with what i have accomplished. i always want more. the bliss you get from the journey is so addicting. i want to experience EVERYTHING. i mean, shouldn't everybody feel the same way? i want to try every thing once ( haha, within the lines of still being "respectable") and feel reborn again and again. but politicking with kkarma and zoe remind me of a life long dream that i hope is in my path some where down the line. the most important role i will ever play in my life and that would be "mother". but i would also hope that being "wife" to a divinely appointed man would also be in contract but shoot, who doesn't want that? all i know is that with all the pressures in life that is being applied to me, my carbon soul is turning diamond hard. and with that, i shall be ready for ANYTHING and EVERYTHING!

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