i made it safe and sound. i woke up to a beautiful view. since leland had to work today, i am staying at his editor's house. it is one of the most richest area in san jose, this beautiful four level house over looking the city. waking up facing the west, i saw hills of trees and jungles with sporadic rooftops here and there. in the morning, the sun was bright adn the sky was clear. al you can see are trees dancing and swaying. i saw three hawks playing, swirling in circles in the sky.
and for once in a long three weeks, i laid in bed, and just looked out at the window. for once i had nothing to do. no errands to run. no projects to hand in. it took awhile for me to get accustomed to that. i am a true angelino at heart.i always feel i have to be five steps ahead.
so here i am, leisurely taking in the day. i just finished my project with urbanworks entertainment and alloy advertising right before i left. i mean, like RIGHT before as in i left at 615am for my flight and i was on the computer till 5:30am.. it was maaaaaaad stressing.
and now, i am chilling on the second level of the house, with my cup of costa rican coffee, black with sugar, typing a blog entry.. damn.. and just to think not too long ago, i was travelling around traffic laiden la going from hemet, to corona, to newport beach, to la verne, to south gate, to anaheim to valencia, simi valley, and camarillo. 34 theaters in a five day span, putting up the new wb supernatural account. the thought of your office being in the seat of a 2005 altima, on an open road, armed with two allen wrenches and iced coffee may sound fun. it is, for the first 5 hours. then you wan to get out of the traffic, and onto your couch. i kept the stress trapped between my shoulder blades.
but tommorrow, i will be travelling to the carribean coast, to cahuite and then to puerto veijo. i am actually going to be in a bathing suit, and dive into the water. i am going to hike on jungle trails and be one with nature. i am going to trade in burgers and pizza for seafood, tropical fruits, and smoothies (costa rica isn;t really known for their cuisine though.)
but some how, my pop forgot i was coming here. i called him on the "ameriphone" (the editor's phone which can call the states for free) to let him know i was okay and that my phone doesn't work out here. he thought i was going to puerto rico.
dad: what are you doing over there?
me: vacationing
dad: vacationing? from what? you don;t work
my parents refuse to believe that i am "working" because i pay for my own health insurance and i don;t have a 401k plan.
speaking of dad, my dad returns to school
i can tell my dad doesn't like to be a mr. mom. it pains to see my mom being the only working person. he is used to being the "breadwinner." in an attempts to find a new carreer (since he is retired from the old one) he returns back to school to study nursing, in the hopes of helping and working with my mom as well as escaping boredom.
for english class, he is asked to read the bean trees by barbara kingsolver. he wants me to read it with him, discuss it with him and hopefully help him summarize it as well as type it out.
go figure. my dad is asking me to do his homework.
well,i will help him type it out. it is actually a good book and i am already on chapter five. my pop says,"you know what gives me a headache? biology...."
uh oh
well, imma make a deal- i help him and he helps me get this:

its 70 bucks cheaper than the suzy q and this seems more practical. suzy q is more for looks. i can still look cute going to the grocery store with this. =)
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