i wonder if cats in the spoken word scene really know what it takes to be a revolunary. there are so many poems about the revolution, and over throwing the govt., and how bad the US is.would these same cats be willing to take the bullet in the name of their beliefs? would they lay down their lives for their beliefs? would they even live what they believe?
i say this... the revolution will not be televised because the revolution is never going to happen. nobody is going to over throw the govt why? simply for several reasons. one is we cannot mobilize the people. how can we unite when we are so severely divided from each other.we all have the same struggles yet we remain in our own niches and not care what the other is going through. each community has their own problems, they think.
so many people call themselves "activists" when really all they do is bitch and complain. the root word is "activists" is to "act"! what are all you activists and revolutionaries doing? you say the problems of life and how people should stick through the struggles and how bad the US is but what are the solutions? what can we do to alleviate the problems in our communities? i am not talking about listening to Common; i am not talking about marching in a rally for Mumia, i am not talking about going to open mics so you can regurgitate bits and pieces of past poets so you can have the the majority of the audience to clap in agreement to you. i am talking about "acting "upon your beliefs. when was the last time you volunteered? when was the last time you participated in a food drive ( and i dont mean depositing the left over shit from your pantry of canned beets and sardines.) when was the last time you actually had a good talk to a child?
now is not the time to be complacent. we should search for solutions. we need to uplift one another.
i am careful as to what i call myself. i dont feel too entirely comfortable calling myself an artist or a poet ( i feel like i need to die and have my art studied years to come for me to actually earn that title) , a revolutionist (i will die for certain things. i would like to think i EVOLVE and not REVOLVE..) a Christian ( i am still studying His teachings and i am still taking tests ). only thing i can call myself is a visionary. i have visions of how things should be and i need to ACT upon it in order to manifests them. so long as my vision is 20/20 and looking towards the Most High for guidance and love.
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