No matter how I try, I can never adopt the "chill-out-come-what-may" attitude to an LA lifestyle. The minute you do that, you will find yourself flailing your arms, trying to keep your head up out of the water.
After coming back from costa rica, I finally got that kink out of my left shoulder. Now I can feel it creep back as stuff is just piling up.
fpac weekend this weekend is the festival of philippine arts and culture, the biggest filipino festival in the country. This will be my fifth year participating, both organizing and performing. Where the hell did the time go?????

This Saturday is the 7th annual fpac/bc poetry slam. Oh man. Changes are just popping up, from stage changes, to schedule changes, to the host not being able to make it due to the schedule change, to waiting for the verification of judges... I mean, it is neverending. I am thinking it is time for me to step away from organizing this event. I am far from being a spoken word artist and I am outta touch from that realm.
On Sunday, I am going to be one of the muralists painting a panel. Do I know what I am going to paint? NO!! and this rookie is going to be painting with some dope artists, from faustino caligoy, the DPI crew, and sherm. Siiiiiiiiiiigh, ok, now I am freaking out!!!!!!
arnie and christel's wedding

On the Tuesday after the festival, I am hopping on a flight to hawaii for arnie and christel's wedding. Ok, I can hear you now. "boooooo hoooooo, alfie, you have to go to hawaii." ok, well check this out. there is some preparation involved when taking a trip outta town for a week and being part of the wedding party. Some of you are blessed to have good skin. Me? Shit.. I got eczema so from now until then, I need to chill the fuck out or else I will have a flare up. I also need to clear up the bug bites on my ankles that I got from my costa rica trip. Yea yea yea. It sounds all superficial and everybody si going to be focused on the bride but you have to remember, I am going to be in their pictures and I am sure they don’t want their friend look like a raggamuffin.
And I am going to have to figure out how to strengthen my ankle (twisted it while hiking in the jungle. More on that later.) so I can wear some sort of heel during the LA reception that follows the week after.

Damn, meaning I need to find shoes to match the dress because I am going to be wearing the bridesmaid dress at...
moonie and lovella's wedding

woooooo! hallejuah! moonie and lovella tells me long time ago "the bridemaid's dress is totally up to you. As long as it is a shade of purple..."
And what color is my bridemaid's dress for arnie and christel?????? LAVENDAR!!!!! which is a shade of purple. Fuck yea!!! ((( insert motion of elbow to gut right here)))
I have known moonie as long as I have known arnie. We all went to csun.

Arnie was the one who got me into student government and extracurricular activities while moonie is the person who got me into organizing with the filipino community.
Damn.. Three wedding events in a row. Ok, now I am battling thoughts of me looking like a cow. Sheesh. Why do I constantly go thru these body image issues?
Back to work I go. No more venting. It takes too much more time.
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