Tuesday, December 02, 2003

currently reading:
"The Four Agreements" by Don Miguel Ruiz

i took a break from reading "when elephants dance" to read this short book called "the four agreements." it's a book about personal freedom; i needed to read more about the spirit of our beings and what we do to keep them from flying. don miguel ruiz passes along toltec wisdom and how to fuse it in our modern day lives.

i just finished the first agreement that we need to take heed and that is to be impeccable with our words. impeccable means "without sin." what we say is so strong and so powerful that it can fully effect the energy of a person and/or the effects of a situation. even when we gossip, we are planting seeds of malice to people's minds and depending on where the heart of that person lies, those seeds can grow into something that may over take their very being and keeping their heart in darkness.

if you think about it, we fall victim to this daily. how many times have you said something that you didn't mean the next second? how many times have you seen a friend speak lowly about something, only to see her/him feel better about themselves? how many times have you been handed harsh criticism time after time , one after the other?

many of us say malice /negative things / things to one another and not even know it. not only are you transfering negative energy to others but you are transfering it back to yourself. YOUR WORDS ARE A REFLECTION OF WHAT IS IN YOUR HEART.

"Impeccability of your word will also give you immunity to some one putting a negative spell on you. You will only recieve a negative idea if your mind is fertile ground to it."

and for those of you who feel better hearing bad things happen to other people, go to http://grouphug.us/ and read people's confessions.

(( shaking head ))

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